Overcome Fear: 12 Proven Tips to Conquer Your Fears

how to overcome fear

Table of Contents

What is Fear?

Is easy to Overcome fear? Fear is a complex emotion that typically involves an unpleasant feeling of dread or trepidation. Fear is an emotion that can be triggered by real or perceived dangers, and it can range in intensity from slight worry to terror. Fear is primarily associated with a fight-or-flight response, which is the body’s automatic reaction to a perceived danger. Fear can be useful, as it helps people to recognize and respond to potential threats; however, persistent feelings of fear can be debilitating and lead to physical, mental, and emotional distress.

What makes you afraid?

Fear can manifest itself in many forms, and when it comes to certain dangers, it can be advantageous. For instance, being wary of fires, snakes, etc, can be beneficial to our safety. 

The fear of failure can initially be a motivating force, it can hinder any attempts at success if the feelings become powerful.

But in the end, the fear that one experiences and how one reacts to it can differ from person to person.

What are the symptoms of fear?

The symptoms of fear can vary depending on the person and the situation. However, some common symptoms of fear include:

  • Feeling anxious or nervous.
  • Feeling your heart rate increase.
  • Feeling like you can’t catch your breath.
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
  • Feeling sweaty or shaky.
  • Feeling like you might vomit.
  • Feeling pressured to do it.
  • Needing to escape.
  • Feeling detached.
  • Feeling like you may faint or die.
  • Feeling powerless over your fear, even if you know it’s irrational.

How to Overcome Fear?

Here’s some advice to help you overcome your fear so you can live life to the fullest.

1-Identify your fears:

What are you afraid of? Once you know what it is, you can start to address it.

Learning how to overcome fear has much in common with any problem-solving exercise, as the challenge must first be identified. Take a moment to think about what is causing your fear. Spend a few minutes observing your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.

Take notes on what comes up and be as detailed as possible. It might help to practice mindfulness every day so you can get a better understanding of what motivates you. Once you find your inner peace, you’ll have the courage to face your fears.

2-Name the fear:

Acknowledging your fear can give you the strength to face it. Say it out loud, write it down, or focus your mind on it. Ignoring fear only makes it bigger, but facing it can make it shrink.

3-Face your fears:

Ignoring fear can make it more formidable. When you face it, your fear should start to diminish. 

When you confront your fear, there is a low probability of anything negative occurring. You can change the negative image in your mind to a safe memory, or just try to find a sense of peace, making it relatively easier when you face it again.

4- Use the Power of Positivity :

Positivity is a real superpower! Thinking positively not only takes the focus away from fear, but also helps you to feel safe, accepted, and loved. It can even increase your problem-solving skills.

By being positive, one can not only accept fear but can also use their rational mind to put their fears into perspective, providing a way to overcome them.

5-Imagine the outcome you desire:

Now that you have a clearer understanding of your fear, contemplate exactly what it is you want to change. Try to envision yourself living life without your fear. What kind of emotions does it bring? 

For example:

  • If your fear is dogs, attempt to imagine yourself seeing one without any feelings of apprehension.
  • If your fear is heights, visualize yourself succeeding in an arduous hike. Connect with the sensation of accomplishment.

6-Educate yourself:

We have an intense fear of the unknown. If your fear is caused by a lack of information, then obtain the knowledge or information you need to evaluate the situation based on facts rather than conjecture.

7-Imagine the worst :

What value, truly, does the thing you are scared of have? We tend to become so consumed with the success or failure of a certain quest that we momentarily forget its significance in relation to all the other aspects that we consider valuable. 

Ask yourself what the worst possible outcome could be. While it may turn out to be bad, more often than not, the fear of the outcome is more intimidating than the outcome itself.

8-Make pain into valuable insight :

Pain is something that nobody enjoys, so people will always attempt to get away from it. However, pain is also a brilliant teacher. If you accept that your life and the endeavors you undertake to realize your goals are going to be painful at times, then painful experiences become paths to growth. When you no longer view pain as a danger to your survival, it loses its potency and becomes another way to overcome fear.

Everyone encounters difficulties in life. It is not essential whether your setbacks are personal or professional, what is worthwhile is the knowledge you glean from those experiences and how you apply them to your future. Rather than permitting the trepidation of unpredictability caused by your earlier experiences to control your decisions, make an effort to gain insight from those painful moments and determine your own life.

9-Avoid negative self-talk :

It is essential to not be too critical of oneself when feeling scared. Research has indicated that people who experience fear and anxiety tend to recall their negative experiences more than their positive ones.

Speaking negatively to yourself will only make the situation worse. Instead, try to tell yourself that it’s alright that you felt afraid today, and that you will try again next time.

Related:The Toxic Effects of Negative Self-Talk

10-Learn relaxation techniques: 

An individual’s body automatically puts itself in a “fight-or-flight” mode upon experiencing fear. This response can be suppressed by practicing relaxation techniques. Relaxation communicates to your body that there is no peril and that you are secure. Relaxation can additionally help you manage other stress and tension in your life.

For example :

  • Try deep breathing exercises. For 4 seconds breathe in, then for 4 seconds breathe out. When it’s easy, make your breath longer and count to six.
  • If you observe your muscles tensing, be sure to reduce the tension. One way to do this is to tighten all of your muscles for three seconds and let them relax. Repeating this two or three times can help to dispel stress from your body.

Related:How Meditation Will Change Your Life?

Related:10 Simple Tips For Becoming A Calmer Person

11-Take time out:

It is virtually impossible to think logically when you find yourself overwhelmed with fear. The first step to take would be to take a break to give your body a chance to settle down. Distract yourself from worrying for 15 minutes by going for a walk, brewing yourself a cup of tea, or having a bath, or taking a nap.

12-Adopt a growth mindset:

When afraid, one can become stuck in one spot, fearing making a mistake or failing. This can lead to the belief that any progress is impossible and the fear restrains them.

One of the most effective strategies for overcoming fear and anxiety is to adopt a growth mindset. It is not about achieving one’s goals and being flawless every step of the way. No one can be perfect all the time, so one should refrain from striving for that. It is about becoming comfortable with the unknown and continuing regardless; this is the basis of a growth mindset.

No matter the number of errors or mistakes you make or how slow your progress is, you are still much further ahead than all those who are not attempting. As you strive to overcome fear, you will understand that there will be various difficulties along the way. As soon as you have acknowledged that the pathway to success is composed of growth and transformation, you will be one step nearer to achieving your ambitions and goals.



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