21 Tips to Stop Fighting Yourself

stop fighting yourself

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Fighting yourself is a term used to describe the internal conflict and struggle that occurs when you have conflicting thoughts, emotions, or desires. It’s a feeling of being at odds with yourself or feeling like you’re working against your own best interests.

Fighting yourself refers to the inner conflict and struggle that occurs within a person. It can manifest in different ways, such as self-doubt, indecisiveness, negative self-talk, self-sabotage, and self-criticism. This inner struggle often arises from conflicting thoughts, emotions, or desires that make it difficult to make decisions or take action. It can cause feelings of frustration, anxiety, and stress.

Fighting yourself can be emotionally draining and impact your mental and physical well-being. It’s essential to identify the root causes of this internal struggle and find ways to work through them to find peace and contentment within yourself.

21 Tips to Stop Fighting Yourself:

Fighting with yourself can be exhausting and can lead to a lot of mental and emotional distress. Here are some tips that may help you stop fighting yourself:

1-Stop putting your life on hold:

Don’t wait for your situation to change before you start living your ‘real life’. Your life is just as real today as it will be once you have a job, relationship, perfect body, successful business, house, or whatever else. So “Start living your life today”.

Related:11 Signs It’s Time to Change your life

Related:How to Embrace Change in Your Life ?

2-Start trusting:

Believe in the power of life to work out for you. Have faith in your ability to recognize solutions when they arise and take action when appropriate. Trust that you are doing the best you can with your current knowledge and that you will continue to learn and develop.

3-Make time for what brings you bliss:

The judgmental voice in our mind enjoys watching us only do what’s practical. To achieve victory, one must surpass others and do more. But life isn’t just about getting things done. First, prioritize activities that bring you happiness, then start ticking off tasks on your to-do list.

Related:10 Ways To Find joy In The Little Things

Related:20 Things To Do In Your Free Time

4-You don’t have to act on any of your thoughts:

Ideas are simply concepts that can be acknowledged and allowed to pass through. You are not obliged to act on any of your thoughts. You have the discretion to pick and choose.

5-Be diligent:

The judgment voice just never quits. It’s always there, hiding in the shadows and popping up when you least expect it. However, the more skilled one becomes at dismissing this critical voice, the more it will begin to comprehend. Always keep in mind that The thoughts of this voice cannot be of great importance.

6-Practice Self-Compassion:

To stop fighting with yourself, it is essential to practice self-compassion. This involves treating yourself with kindness, empathy, and forgiveness. Instead of criticizing oneself for mistakes or shortcomings, try to provide oneself with the same empathy and support as one would offer to a friend.

7- Be mindful:

Practicing mindfulness and awareness of one’s thoughts, beliefs, and patterns is crucial for bringing about change. If one is not mindful, they may not even realize when they are working against themselves.

8-Challenge Negative Self-Talk:

Identifying and challenging negative self-talk is a crucial step in overcoming internal conflict. By replacing negative self-talk with positive and practical thoughts, one can achieve a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.

Related:The Toxic Effects of Negative Self-Talk

9-Set Realistic Goals:

Set achievable goals that are consistent with your values and priorities. Avoid comparing yourself to others and instead concentrate on your own progress and development.

Related:How To Set Goals and Achieve Them ?

10-Practice gratitude:

Feeling grateful can really change your life! The power of gratitude cannot be overstated. It is a force that can create positive change in the world.

11-Develop a Growth Mindset:

Having a growth mindset means believing that you can always improve and grow, instead of being stuck in fixed patterns or limitations.
To stop fighting oneself and embrace growth opportunities, it is important to develop a growth mindset.

Related:12 Ways to Cultivate a Growth Mindset for Self Improvement

12-Embrace your strengths:

Focus on your strengths and what you’re good at, rather than dwelling on your weaknesses. Be proud of your unique talents and abilities.

13-Take care of your physical health:

Physical health can be improved by engaging in regular exercise, consuming a healthy diet, and obtaining sufficient rest. This can lead to a more focused and clear-minded state of being.

14-Reframe Negative Thoughts:

In order to combat negative self-talk, it is important to reframe your thoughts in a more positive manner. This can help you feel more optimistic and empowered in your life.

15-Surround Yourself with Positive People:

Find people who lift you up and avoid those who bring you down. Surround yourself with positive people who encourage and inspire you.

16-Embrace Your Imperfections:

We all have flaws. Embrace them and learn from your mistakes instead of fighting against them.

Related:10 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

17-Practice Self-Awareness:

Increasing your self-awareness can help you identify when you are engaging in self-destructive behaviors. Take time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions to develop greater self-awareness.

18-Take Breaks:

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it is important to take breaks. Taking a walk, reading a book, or doing something enjoyable can help reduce stress.

19-Set Realistic Expectations:

It’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself, as this can help you avoid feeling disappointed or discouraged.

20-Celebrate Your Achievements:

Take time to acknowledge and appreciate even the smallest accomplishments and successes as a way of building self-confidence.

21-Practice Self-Love:

You should totally love yourself, even with your flaws. Give yourself the respect and care you deserve.

Related:20 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Be More Confident


If you are struggling to abstain from fighting with yourself, it is advisable to seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or a mental health professional. Talking to someone can aid you in gaining a new perspective and developing innovative strategies for coping with negative self-talk.

Remember, it takes time and practice to stop fighting yourself. Be patient and persistent, and celebrate the small victories along the way.


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