How to Overcome Shyness ? (13 tips)

How to Overcome Shyness ? "13 tips "

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What is Shyness?

Shyness is a feeling of anxiety or discomfort in social situations. It can make it hard to speak up and connect with others. It’s often accompanied by a sense of fear, which keeps people from trying new things and speaking up. But shyness isn’t an illness or a flaw. It’s a natural reaction to social situations.

Shyness is something that a lot of people feel, but for some, it can be really debilitating. that it keeps them from being able to participate in social situations that could help them achieve personal or professional goals.
People who are shy often want to be close to others but are afraid of being rejected or criticized. As a result, they avoid social events they would actually like to attend. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which increases the risk of developing other problems like depression or anxiety.

13 Tips for overcoming shyness :

1-Why are you shy?

If you can determine the root cause of your shyness, it may be helpful in learning how to overcome it. For instance, if low self-esteem is the issue, you might want to explore some ways to improve your self-image.No matter what your reason is, you can overcome it.

2-Accept your shyness:

The more you resist your shyness, the longer it will prevail. If you’re shy, accept it and embrace it totally. One way it could be done is by saying to yourself “Yes, I am shy and I accept it.”

3-Leave your comfort zone:

To overcome shyness, you must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Even something like answering the phone at work, or giving your opinion to your boss, or teacher seems like the most daunting thing at the time but with hindsight, you think, ‘well, that was no big deal overcoming social anxiety can be as simple as taking a deep breath and pushing yourself a tiny bit each time. You may be surprised at how quickly it becomes easier.

Related:How to leave your comfort zone ?

4-Determine what makes you shy:

It would be beneficial to try and discover what is causing your shyness. Do you feel intimidated by someone? Do you not have faith in your ability to do the job? Is it merely because it is a new role, or is it anxiety? Once you identify the source of the issue, it will be simpler to find a fix. Feeling uncomfortable and isolating yourself in a new role can lead to unhappy work life.

5-Body Language:

Your body language, whether you’re conscious of it or not, can give off cues to those you’re interacting with. For example, shy people often have difficulty projecting confidence through their body language. Making eye contact, walking with confidence, speaking clearly, shaking hands, and hugging those you trust can help you to overcome shyness and boost your confidence.

6-Interrogate your worries:

It may seem like the opposite of what would help, but trying to ignore the things that cause your anxiety isn’t usually the best answer. Instead, try to confront your worries head-on. If you find yourself feeling anxious, try to identify the source of the anxiety. By focusing your attention inward and having an honest discussion with yourself about your fears, you may be able to understand your shyness or social anxiety better.

7-Write out a list of things that make you anxious:

By placing the items that cause you the least anxiety first and those that cause you the most anxiety last, it will feel like a task you can tackle and tackle successfully. Putting things in concrete terms is key.

8-Place your attention on others:

Many of us become shy when we think that we will embarrass ourselves if we speak up or stand out. That is why it is important to focus on others and not ourselves. When shyness sets in, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the people you’re with are constantly assessing and judging you. However, the truth is, they’re likely not thinking about you. When we stop thinking about ourselves, we stop worrying about how we come across to others.

9-Build your Confidence :

Sometimes, a lack of confidence can give rise to shyness. However, confidence is not the same as shyness. They can be connected, but not always.

Related:20 Ways to Love Yourself And Be More Confident

Related:15 Tips For Improving Your Confidence

10-Don’t avoid social situations:

It is beneficial to not avoid social situations, even if they make you anxious and uncomfortable. With each exposure, you will become better equipped to deal with them in a way that you enjoy.

11-Be around more people :

Though it may not make sense, being around people will help you gradually become more confident. As you become more comfortable speaking up in discussions and learning to relax around others, you’ll start to trust yourself more.

12-Stop self-sabotaging:

Our worst enemy is sometimes ourselves. If we allow our inner critic to constantly put us down, it will be difficult to improve. Instead, we should analyze the power of that voice and try to control it.

Related:Self-Sabotage: Why We Do It & 10 Ways to Stop it

13-Always give your opinion:

Make sure to participate in every meeting, even if it is just a small contribution. Many shy people have the misconception that their opinions are not valuable, but this is not true. By offering your opinion, you will make yourself more successful.


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