Imposter Syndrome:Symptoms & How To Overcome It ’10 Tips’

imposter syndrome (symptoms & how to overcome it )

Table of Contents

What is Imposter Syndrome ?

Imposter syndrome is a feeling of being inadequate or a fraud when you’re actually doing really well. Imposter syndrome can hit people at any point in their careers, but is often most pronounced in the first few years when you’re trying to establish yourself as an expert. Imposter syndrome can also strike at any time when you’re in a new environment or with a new person. Sometimes imposter syndrome hits you when you feel like you’re expected to know something you don’t, or when you realize that you’ve been taught something incorrectly.

Imposter syndrome is a feeling of being inadequate or a fraud when you are performing at the level of someone else. Imposter syndrome can happen to anyone, in any field, at any level of achievement. It can be triggered by an external event, like being passed over for a promotion or being asked to speak at a conference instead of being given the opportunity to present. It can also be triggered by an internal event, like being graded on a piece of work that is not up to your high standards.

Imposter syndrome is the feeling that you are a fraud or don’t belong. It’s the nagging voice in the back of your mind that says you’re no good at what you do, or that you’re not as smart or talented as others. It can make you doubt yourself and your abilities, causing you to feel like a fraud.

Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome:

  • Anxiety.
  • Feeling like success and achievement is impossible.
  • Fear of not assembly any other person’s expectations.
  • Overachieving (Taking on more work to ensure you’re “doing it all”).
  • Feelings of inadequacy.
  • Negative self-talk.
  • Feeling uncomfortable with receiving rewards or congratulations.
  • Distrust in one’s very own intuition and capabilities.
  • Feeling like past successes and tough work had been simplest due to luck.
  • Shrugging off accolades.
  • Job dissatisfaction and burnout.
  • Avoid looking for promotion.
  • Perfectionism.
  • Procrastination.
  • The lack of self-esteem.

How to overcome imposter syndrome:

1-Acknowledge Your Feelings:

The first step is to understand and come to terms with what you’re feeling and why.
Keeping a journal is one way to start. Whenever you have feelings of self-doubt or inadequacy, write them down, and be specific about why you’re feeling this way. The likelihood is that seeing your thoughts written out will allow you to see how harmful they are and, most importantly, to challenge them!
It is important to remember that feelings are just feelings, they may not reflect reality. Just because you feel unqualified does not mean you are.

2-Rewrite your mental programs:

Instead of telling yourself that they are going to find you out or that you are undeserving of success, remind yourself that not knowing everything is normal and that you will gain more knowledge as you move forward.

3-Focusing on the positive aspects :

The good news is that, as a perfectionist, you care greatly about the quality of your work. The key is to continue working hard towards excellence for the things that matter most, but don’t waste time on routine tasks, and be willing to forgive yourself when you make a mistake.

4-Assess your abilities:

If you believe you are incompetent in social and performance situations, assess your abilities realistically. Make a list of your accomplishments and strengths, and compare it to your self-assessment.

5-Stop comparing:

Constantly comparing yourself to others in social situations will lead you to find fault with yourself, which will fuel the feeling that you are not good enough or do not belong. To counteract this, during conversations, focus on listening to what the other person is saying and express interest in learning more.

6-Embrace success:

If you have imposter syndrome, it can be all too easy to try and downplay even your smallest victories. Fight this urge by making a list of every triumph and letting yourself feel the associated emotions.
If you practice this technique regularly, you will gradually get a more accurate sense of your accomplishments, and it will help boost your confidence.

7-Be kind to yourself:

You should remind yourself that it is okay to make small mistakes now and then and to forgive yourself for them. At the same time, don’t forget to congratulate yourself when you do something big and great.

8-Ask yourself :

Whenever you doubt yourself or question your abilities, take a moment to ask: is this thought actually accurate?
Are these emotions genuine, or am I reacting based on external factors? Is this thought process helpful or constraining?

9-Do not let it stand in your way:

No matter how much you feel like you don’t belong, don’t let that stop you from pursuing your goals. Keep going and do not let anything get in the way.

10-Talk to others:

Oftentimes, a conversation with somebody who is supportive and knows you well can help you understand that your imposter syndrome is something that many people feel, and it’s normal, but that it isn’t rational.



  • Roderick Harrington

    Insightful piece

    • Viemina

      Thank you so much ❤️

  • Thank you so much Glad you enjoyed it ❤

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