Understanding the 5 Stages of Grief Journey

The Five Stages of Grief

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Understanding the 5 Stages of Grief Journey

In this article, we will explore the five stages of grief and how they can guide us through the emotional journey. By understanding the process, we can gain successfully navigate this grueling experience.

What Are the 5 Stages of Grief ?

Grief is a response that is both natural and normal to loss. It is a complex and multifaceted process that involves physical, mental, and emotional changes. The first few days, weeks, and months following a loss are often the most challenging. You may experience a range of emotions, from shock and disbelief to anger and depression.Grief is a natural and normal reaction to loss, but it doesn’t mean that you will get over your loss overnight.

The word grief is often used to describe the negative emotions that people feel after a loss. But what if we think of grief not as a feeling but as a process? If so, then grief involves a series of stages, each of which can be understood as a change in how the person who is grieving thinks and feels.

What are the five stages of grief ?

The five stages of grief are a theory that describes the process of feeling after a major loss or tragedy. The stages of grief are not a requirement; they are a way to describe what people experience after a major loss or tragedy.

The Five Stages of Grief


Denial doesn’t just mean refusing to accept the loss. It can also feel like the world has become meaningless and overwhelming. Our bodies and minds go into shock and numbness as a way to protect us from feeling too much emotion. As the shock starts to fade, feelings that have been suppressed will come to the surface.


You may find yourself wishing that you could turn back time in an attempt to change the outcome. You may find yourself thinking about all of the things that you should have said and done, and all of the opportunities that you missed. You may even find yourself making promises to yourself, such as “I’ll never do X again,” or “I’ll always do Y.” When we are in the bargaining stage, we often find ourselves wishing that we could turn back time and undo a loss.


You are faced with the pain of your loss as reality sets in. These feelings of frustration and helplessness may turn into anger directed towards other people, a higher power, or life in general.

What The Importance of Anger in the Stages of Grief:

The significance of anger in the stages of grief is that it indicates a transition from denial and avoidance to acknowledging pain and loss. It serves as a turning point where you confront your emotions and begin to work through them. Allowing yourself to experience and express anger paves the way for healing and personal growth.

Anger is an essential part of the healing journey Embrace your anger, even if it feels everlasting. The more you genuinely experience it, the more it will fade away and the more you will heal.

Anger is a valid and natural response to the pain and emptiness that come with grief. It should not bring shame or be disregarded. By acknowledging and accepting your anger, you empower yourself to move forward in your journey of grief with bravery and resilience.

Related: 10 ways to deal with anger 


Depression is a deep sadness that is hard to get rid of and is usually caused by anger and rationalization
The first reaction to loss is usually paralyzing sadness, regret, and worry. The second type of depression is what we go through when we have to deal with the loss head-on and look for a way to move forward.
It’s common during this stage to want to return to being isolated. You may feel overwhelmed and helpless and just want to hide in bed from the world.

Related: Depression :Types & Symptoms 


Acceptance is not always a happy or positive stage of grief. It does not mean that you have moved past the five stages of grief and loss. However, it does mean that you have accepted it and have come to understand what it means in your life now.

You may find yourself feeling very differently at this stage. This is to be expected, as you have had a major change in your life. This will change the way you feel about many things.
Grief often comes in waves and can make it feel like nothing will ever be okay again. However, in time, most people find that the pain begins to lessen and they are able to accept what has transpired. It is unrealistic to expect that we will ever “get over” the death of a loved one, but eventually we can start living again while still cherishing the memories of those we have lost.

Some other Stages of Grief?


The first stage of grief is known as shock. You may experience a wide range of emotions following a loss, including shock, disbelief, and anger. At first, you may feel numb and apathetic. You may even question whether or not your loved one is really dead.You may feel like nothing has happened, or like everything has happened at once. You may feel like you’re in a dream, or like you’re going crazy.


The second stage is sadness. You may experience feelings of grief and loss, but the sadness you feel may not be as intense as the sadness you felt when your loved one was alive. You may feel a sense of emptiness, like something vital has been taken away from you. You may also feel a range of other emotions, such as anger, frustration, and even grief for the person who was lost.


The second stage of grief is disbelief. You may find it hard to believe that your loved one is really gone. You may keep expecting them to walk through the front door or call you back. You may even find yourself hoping against hope that they will pop back into your life.


Finally, having knowledge about the five stages of grief allows you to navigate through the challenging process of grieving. Each stage represents a unique emotional response, and by exploring these stages, you can gain better understanding of your particular journey. It is important to keep in mind that acceptance is a significant corner in the grief journey. It opens up the path towards mending and particular growth, eventually helping you move forward.



  • Normand Giacalone

    great article

    • Viemina

      Thank you so much ❤️

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