What is Narcissism?
Narcissism isn’t just being self-centered—it’s a mental disorder where someone feels overly important, craves nonstop attention, and doesn’t care much about others’ feelings. Sometimes, it’s connected to issues like depression, anxiety, or antisocial behavior, and it can hurt the people around them.
A narcissist is someone who thinks the world_revolves around them. They always want to be the center of attention, put themselves first, and show little empathy. Being in a relationship with a narcissist can feel like a wild rollercoaster—amazing one moment, awful the next. They often hide their toxic behavior with charm, making it hard to see who they really are.
In this article, we’ll share 15 clear signs to help you figure out if you’re dealing with a narcissist, so you can protect yourself and take back control of your happiness.
15 Signs You Are In a Relationship With a Narcissist:

If you are wondering if you are in a narcissistic relationship, here are 15 tell-tale signs to identify if your partner is narcissistic.
1-Avoid Conversations:
The narcissist in your life might turn every conversation into an argument, no matter how calm you try to stay. They know how to push your buttons to get a reaction, making them feel in control of your emotions. Over time, you might find yourself avoiding conversations altogether just to escape their constant mind games.
2-They Looking for condescending behavior:
Narcissistic people can be very captivating, and likable but they often put others down to highlight their own physical attractiveness, talents, or successes. Oftentimes, narcissists have low self-esteem, but they present themselves as though they are better than everyone else to hide this insecurity.
3- Conversation Hoarder:
Narcissists love to dominate conversations, leaving little room for you to share your thoughts or feelings. If you do manage to speak up, your views may be corrected, dismissed, or completely ignored—especially if they don’t match the narcissist’s opinions. It can feel like your voice doesn’t matter at all.
4-A victim mentality:
Narcissists are extremely self-centered, which often leads them to play the victim. In a relationship with a narcissist, any disagreement or fight will somehow become your fault. They may twist things around to make you feel guilty, and if you don’t agree with them, they might accuse you of being negative. This behavior can make it hard to have healthy or fair conversations.
Related: Victim Mentality: Signs, Causes, and 12 Strategies
5- Rule Breaker:
Narcissists often enjoy breaking rules and social norms, like cutting in line, showing up late to appointments, or ignoring traffic laws. These actions reflect their belief that they’re above the rules and don’t need to follow the same standards as everyone else.
6-Feel Manipulated:
In a relationship with a narcissist, your partner may threaten you subtly rather than being direct with their words. You might feel that if you don’t comply with their wishes or give them what they want, there will be negative consequences. Over time, it can seem easier to go along with their demands, even if you don’t agree. This controlling and manipulative behavior becomes their way of getting what they want, and many people in this type of relationship forget what life was like before the manipulation began.
Related: 18 Signs of Manipulative People
Related: How to Deal With Manipulative People
Related: 20 Warning Signs of a Controlling Relationship
7-Make you Feel Responsible for Everything:
Narcissists never take responsibility for their actions and rarely, if ever, apologize. They always shift the blame onto others, refusing to see people as their equals. In a relationship with a narcissist, you’ll likely find yourself blamed for anything that goes wrong, even when it’s clearly their fault. Apologizing is out of the question for them because it contradicts their inflated sense of superiority.
8-Lack of Boundaries:
Narcissistic individuals frequently overstep others’ boundaries, using them without considering the impact it might have. They often break promises, borrow things without returning them, and don’t feel guilty when they cross personal boundaries. These actions are clear signs that they don’t respect others and believe their needs come first.
Related: 7 Tips for Saying No Effectively
9-You Feel Criticized Constantly:
In a relationship with a narcissist, your partner may frequently criticize your appearance, such as your weight or the clothes you wear, often being excessively critical. This could include making fun of you, either in private or in front of others. Narcissists tend to belittle those they perceive as inferior, often targeting individuals they view as less attractive or wealthy. This behavior is a reflection of their need to feel superior to others and maintain control in the relationship.
Related: How To Develop an Endearing Personality: 18 Steps to Shine
10-He believes that everyone should think like him:
A narcissist believes that their opinion is the only one that matters and that everyone should think the same way as them. Their belief that they have all the answers and that everyone else is wrong can often lead to delusional behavior and thinking. This is why they’re so stubborn, can’t see things from other people’s perspectives, and are strong-willed. Their mindset is so inflexible that they cannot put themselves in someone else’s shoes or view situations from various angles to better comprehend others’ thought processes.
11-Reactive And ill-tempered:
While they may seem extroverted, magnetic, and charming, their darker side can emerge when they get upset. They can become explosive and even turn into monsters when things don’t go their way. Their mood can shift suddenly and without warning, making the relationship feel unpredictable. Narcissists often react emotionally and impulsively, rather than staying calm and diplomatic, which can create tension and difficulty in the relationship. Partners may find themselves agreeing with the narcissist out of fear of appearing weak or provoking their anger.
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A narcissist is highly charming and knows how to sweep people off their feet, making it easy for them to hide their true intentions. In a relationship with a narcissist, they might cheat on you and skillfully conceal their actions. If they’ve cheated before, there’s often little to stop them from doing it again, as they prioritize their own desires over loyalty or the feelings of others.
13-You Can’t Rely on Your Partner:
Narcissist is known for breaking promises they make. Their promises are never certain. This leaves you feeling as though you can’t rely on them and that you have to do everything yourself.
14-You Are Isolated:
In a relationship with a narcissist you may feel ignored. They often gain control by isolating their partner. This isolation reinforces their desire to have everything their way and make their partner completely dependent on them. They may control your social media, monitor your calls, and cut you off from friends and family. Over time, they might prevent you from enjoying hobbies or even lead to financial instability by causing you to lose your job. This behavior is designed to keep you reliant on them and under their control.
Narcissists often believe they deserve special treatment and expect others to cater to their needs without offering consideration in return. They see the world as revolving around them, prioritizing their desires above all else.
In conclusion, being in a relationship with a narcissist can deeply affect your emotional health and self-worth. If you recognize these signs in your partner, it might be time to seek support and think about ending the relationship. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who truly values, respects, and cares for you.
Related: 20 Warning Signs of a Controlling Relationship⬇