
Overcome Feeling Blue: 16 Ways for a Brighter Tomorrow

feeling blue

What is Feeling Blue mean?

Feeling blue is an idiom that means feeling sad, melancholy, or downcast. It is often used to describe a temporary mood of sadness or a feeling of being emotionally low. The word “blue” in this context represents a color associated with sadness or a downhearted feeling. People might say they are “feeling blue” when they’re experiencing a sense of unhappiness, loneliness, or emotional distress. It’s a common way to express a mood without going into specific details about what might be causing the sadness.

Feeling blue is an inherent element of the human experience. It’s a moment when our hearts speak to us in a quiet, subtle language, a temporary symphony of sadness that whispers through our thoughts and feelings, reminding us that even amidst life’s vibrant colors, there are times when our emotional canvas is painted in shades of blue.

Is Feeling Blue Normal?

Unpleasant emotions are a common part of life. Each and every individual person experiences them at some point or another. Feeling blue is normal and not abnormal. It’s important to remember that a low mood can serve a purpose, as it usually indicates that something is wrong. By understanding the reason behind your low mood, you can take steps towards making positive changes. While it’s impossible to always be happy, it’s important to make an effort to cheer yourself up when you’re feeling down. Remember, it’s okay to feel blue but don’t dwell on it.

What is the difference between feeling blue and depression?

Feeling blue and depression are different in their intensity, duration, and causes. Feeling blue is a temporary sadness linked to specific circumstances, while depression is a prolonged state of sadness, hopelessness, and emotional pain that can affect various aspects of life. Feeling blue is a normal response to life’s challenges, whereas depression involves a complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Related:8 Different Types of Depression

Related:8 Different Types of Depression

16 Easy Ways to Help Yourself When You Are Feeling Blue:

1-Remind yourself that you’re just having feelings:

Remind yourself that you’re just having feelings/feeling blue
Remind yourself that you’re just having feelings/feeling blue

Remind yourself that feelings are transient, like passing storms. Acknowledge that your emotions are influenced by your thoughts and that you have the ability to change them. Simply remember that these feelings will eventually fade away.

2-Make small changes in your routine:

Repeating the same activities can sometimes lead to feeling blue, which may apply to you as well. Embrace fresh endeavors and explore unconventional approaches. This method occasionally proves effective in uplifting your spirits.

Related:13 Tips To Create an Effective Daily Routine

3-Reflect on why you’re sad:

Reflecting on why you feel sad is a natural response to various life events and ongoing situations. Sadness may arise from experiencing loss or facing setbacks… Understanding the root cause of your sadness enables you to start processing the emotion and effectively manage it.

4-Spend time outside and enjoy nature:

Spend time outside and enjoy nature/feeling blue
Spend time outside and enjoy nature/feeling blue

Going outdoors is an excellent way to uplift your mood. Simply being in nature can help reset your emotions. Spending time in natural environments has a positive impact on mental health. Research shows that being outside can boost mood and reduce stress. Additionally, being outdoors exposes you to sunlight, which can increase serotonin levels and promote better sleep at night, and boost your mood effectively. It will make you feel different.

5-Expand Your Joy:

Expand Your Joy / feeling blue
Expand Your Joy / feeling blue

Think about the activities that bring you joy and make you feel uplifted. Dedicate more time to engaging in those activities, such as reading, drawing, gardening, cooking, or any other hobbies you enjoy. Prioritize this time by scheduling it in your calendar to ensure that you include it in your day.

Related:10 Ways To Find joy In The Little Things

6-Get Some Exercise:

Get Some Exercise / feeling blue
Get Some Exercise / feeling blue

Exercise is a natural way to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression and improve your mood. When you raise your heart rate, it releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which help you see things more balanced and positively. Exercise also boosts creativity, making it easier to solve problems.
Allocating even a short period of time, such as 10 to 15 minutes, can have a significant impact and create positive changes.

7-Get a restful sleep:

Get a restful sleep /feeling blue
Get a restful sleep /feeling blue

Sleep deprivation has a negative impact on emotions and performance. The psychological effects of lack of sleep can have a massive influence and significantly affect daily mood. so it is important to prioritize rest, Improve your sleep quality by establishing a relaxing bedtime routine.
‘Such as taking a warm bath, practicing meditation, journaling or just reading a book with a relaxing light and a candle with fresh perfume. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the quality of your sleep and feel more refreshed and alert during the day.’

Related:Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms, Causes, & 10 Effects

Related:How to stop Insomnia ? 

8-Avoid alcoholic beverages and drugs:

Avoid alcoholic beverages and drugs / felling blue
Avoid alcoholic beverages and drugs / felling blue

It is preferred to avoid the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. It is important to stay away from all alcohol and recreational drugs as they may provide temporary relief but can worsen depression in the long run and make it more difficult to treat.

Related:How to Break Bad Habits and Stop Your Addiction ?

9-Surround yourself with positive and happy individuals:

Surround yourself with positive and happy individuals / feeling blue
Surround yourself with positive and happy individuals / feeling blue

Engage in activities with optimistic individuals or groups as frequently as possible. Supportive people can often provide a fresh perspective and help you to less feeling blue.

10-Manage your stress level:

Manage your stress level/ feeling blue
Manage your stress level/ feeling blue

It is important to acknowledge that stress can have a significant impact on our state of mind and well-being. In order to overcome feeling blue, it is advisable to avoid situations that may induce stress whenever possible. Additionally, organizing your day effectively and setting aside time for relaxation can help alleviate and prevent unnecessary stress. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and uplift your spirits is also highly recommended. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, try taking a moment to step back and collect yourself. Sometimes, simply taking a deep breath and refraining from immediate reactions can prevent an unnecessary escalation of tension and emotions.

Related:Stress :10 Ways to Manage and reduce it

Related:8 Ways to Bust Stress in 5 Minutes

11-Ask for help:

Reach out to someone who truly cares about you and ask for their help. Just like how offering help can make you feel better, by reaching out and requesting support, you give someone else the chance to experience that same gift. It may be difficult to do when you’re feeling down, but simply take their contact information and give them a call or send an email with the confidence that it will help improve your mood and possibly uplift theirs too.

12-Make a success list:

Make a success list / feeling blue
Make a success list / feeling blue

One of the challenging aspects of feeling blue is that it distorts our thinking, leading to a negative perception of ourselves and the world. To counter this, try shifting your negative perspective with a success list. Maintain an ongoing record of the small (and significant) things that you are accomplishing. Witnessing the growth of your list will serve as motivation and help you maintain focus on the progress you are making.

Related:15 Success Habits Of Successful People


A mild case of feeling blue can progress into full-blown depression, with the person sinking deeper into negative thoughts. Through disciplined meditation, you can elevate your mood effectively. Meditation is considered as powerful as medication in treating the blues. It brings awareness to counterproductive and self-critical thoughts that exacerbate depression, teaching you to be mindful of these concerns while maintaining detachment. Moreover, you can gain control over your thoughts and emotions, leading to more positive outcomes.

Related:How Meditation Will Change Your Life?


If you talk about a problem, it will become easier to solve.
Talking is not a sign of weakness but a positive reflection of self-improvement. Sharing your feelings can help deal with long-term problems and make you feel supported and less alone. Opening up can also encourage others to do the same.

15-Stargazing Activity:

Stargazing Activity / feeling blue
Stargazing Activity / feeling blue

Allocate a night for observing the stars. The immensity of the universe can stimulate feelings of awe and assist in putting your concerns into perspective.

16-Minimizing Your Social Media Usage:

Minimizing Your Social Media Usage / feeling blue
Minimizing Your Social Media Usage / feeling blue

By taking an intentional break from social media platforms, you can effectively decrease feelings of constant comparison and the pressures that come with it, ultimately leading to a more simplified and enjoyable life.

Related:8 Tips For Healthy Social Media Habits

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