How to Increase Dopamine Naturally in 12 Tips ?


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What is Dopamine ?

Dopamine is a chemical that is essential to the functioning of the brain. It is a neurotransmitter that is synthesized in your body and released into the bloodstream where it becomes a major player in your brain’s stress response system. It is found in both the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and in the hormones made in your adrenal glands.

Dopamine is a major, but not the only, player in the stress response system. It is produced by a group of cells in the brain called neurons, which are often found in the areas of the brain that control cognition, memory, emotion, and motivation. Dopamine is likely involved in the reward system, as well as the development and learning of new skills, which is thought to be the primary function of the mesocortex. Dopamine also has a role in arousal, attention, and motivation.

Dopamine is also the chemical that controls motor skills. Your brain makes dopamine when you are stressed or anxious, so the more dopamine your brain makes, the more likely you are to want to do something that you’ve rated as fun.
Balancing the emotions you experience. Dopamine is often responsible for making you feel happy and relaxed, and for giving you the motivation and energy needed to get stuff done and to keep you going throughout the day.

How to Increase Your Dopamine Levels Naturally without drugs:

1-Cut Down on Processed Sugars:

Consuming processed sugars like candy and soda can increase dopamine levels, but this increase is temporary and artificial. As with alcohol and recreational drugs, sugar can cause temporary spikes in dopamine while also affecting the rate at which your body produces it naturally.
And also coffee gives you the energy boost you need, just like sugar, gives you the energy boost you need, it only provides temporary relief and can actually do more harm than good. After experiencing the initial kick caffeine offers, dopamine levels in the body drop. So opt for a cup of decaffeinated coffee, or at least minimize your coffee consumption, to counteract a dopamine deficiency. In short, avoid those sugary drinks.


Numerous studies have shown that exercise can help increase dopamine in the brain. Exercising regularly for at least 20 minutes can help improve your overall mood and mental health. Exercise also helps increase the production of new brain cells and slows down the aging of brain cells. Of course, another benefit of exercising is increased strength, mobility, flexibility, and overall fitness. When your body is fit and strong, you have more energy to do productive things and you have less risk of pain and injury.


Meditation is an ancient practice that helps you create a better connection between your mind and body. By forcing you to look within and accept your thoughts without judgment, meditation is a practice that benefits your mental health. New research has found that regular meditation has the ability to increase dopamine levels in the brain.

Related:How Meditation Will Change Your Life?

4-Get enough sleep:

Dopamine is produced in large amounts in the morning and decreases throughout the day, tending to decrease more at bedtime. Too little sleep can disrupt this natural cycle and actually reduce dopamine production.

Related:Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms, Causes, and Effects

5-Eat a healthy diet:

Diet supports mental and physical well-being. If you need to increase dopamine levels, try focusing on foods that contain tyrosine, a nonessential amino acid necessary for the production of neurotransmitters including dopamine and epinephrine. and norepinephrine. Foods high in tyrosine include almonds, avocados, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseed, yogurt, fish, and bananas. Additionally, foods rich in probiotics may help increase dopamine production.

Related:Emotional Eating:10 Ways To Stop it And Be Mindful Of Your Diet

6-Eliminate stressors from your life:

Stress is a precursor to many diseases, it also causes low dopamine levels. We’re not always in control of the things that bring stress into our lives, but you can eliminate stressors that you do have some control over.

Related:8 Ways to Bust Stress in 5 Minutes

Related:Stress :10 Ways to Manage and reduce it

7-Get Out in the Sun:

Something as simple as getting out in the sun can help boost your feel-good hormones. However, it is necessary for sunlight to enter your eyes to trigger the release of dopamine for a bigger boost, and of course don’t forget to put on your sunscreen for protection.

8- Goal achievement :

When we attain ,achieve one of our goals, our brain releases dopamine.The brain finds this dopamine boost very rewarding. Find more dopamine by working toward another goal. Bigger goals usually come with a dopamine boost.However, it’s best to start small to improve your chances of success. Short-term goals can add up to a long-term goal (and greater reward). This pattern keeps a constant release of dopamine in your brain.

Related:How To Set Goals and Achieve Them ?

9-Nuts and Seeds:

In order to make dopamine, your body must break down an amino acid called tyrosine, which is found in abundance in nuts like almonds and walnuts and seeds like flaxseed. Snacking on a handful of them during the day can increase your dopamine levels and help you a lot.

10-Try something new:

The brain reacts to new experiences by freeing dopamine. You can increase your dopamine naturally by seeking out new experiences. Any type of experience will work. You can do something simple, like a new hobby or sports ,visit a new city whatever you want, just try new thoughts.

Related:How to Find Joy in the Small Things ?

11-Get up:

Sitting for long periods of time is not only a health hazard that causes fatigue, but it can also lower dopamine levels in your brain. If you work in an office and are glued to your desk all day, get in the habit of getting up and walking around at least every half hour. Mini breaks not only boost your dopamine levels, but have been shown to increase productivity by allowing you to recharge and refocus.

12-Spending time in nature:

Researchers have found that just five minutes out in a natural setting can boost mood, boost motivation and boost self-esteem. The time spent in sunlight correlates with the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine.Just a short walk in the garden can improve your well-being.


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