15 Ways to Overcome Stage Fright


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What is Stage Fright?

Stage fright is a common fear that many people experience before presenting important ideas or taking important actions. It is also easily recognized because it can be accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, sweaty palms, or shallow breathing.
It can also be accompanied by an irrational fear of performing in public and hesitancy to take on new challenges.

One of the most common signs of Stage Fright is sweating. During Stage Fright, you will sweat heavily, even though you feel perfectly fine, and even though you know that you have a perfect case of sweating.

Stage fright typically occurs when people are under high pressure to perform or when they are in an unfamiliar situation. The majority of stage fright episodes are common during public speaking, when introducing important ideas, or when making difficult decisions.

15 Ways to Overcome Stage Fright :

Fortunately, since this is a very common problem, some numerous techniques and tips can help you reduce or even eliminate stage fright :

1-Practice beforehand:

Take some time to become familiar with your material. Practice as much as you reasonably can until things feel extra natural. If possible, practice in front of trusted family members and ask for feedback. Ask them what you’re doing properly and what they think you need to improve.

2-Set yourself a time limit for feeling nervous:

It’s normal to feel anxious before a performance, but the longer you freak out, the more anxious you become. Give yourself a little time to get nervous and set a timer so you don’t go over and then move on and do something active like having a tea warming up your voice and body, or talking to someone in something else.


Set aside 15-20 minutes to meditate the morning before your performance, or even an hour before. Find a relatively quiet place where you can sit comfortably on the floor. Close your eyes and focus on your breath as you relax every part of your body.

Related: How Meditation Will Change Your Life?

4-Stand straight and open up your chest:

Body language matters in terms of how confident you appear.
Try to hunch your shoulders slightly; now stand straight, allowing your chest area to return back forward as your shoulders drop into their natural position. Doesn’t that feel better? You really will look, extra professional!

5-Know Your Material (stuff ):

Nothing will stop stage fright in its gripping tracks better than being prepared. Know your content, your speech, and most importantly your audience. If you know what you’re talking about, there’s no need to be nervous.
Understanding your topic allows you to speak more naturally and therefore more confidently. Even if a technical hitch occurs, this won’t faze you as you are already confident on the subject.

6-Smile to make yourself feel better:

Even if you don’t feel like smiling, do it. Forcing your face to smile can make you feel happier and calmer because your brain figures that when you smile, you must be happy. The brain-body connection goes both ways.

7-Avoid caffeine:

Do not consume supplemental caffeine on the day of the performance, unless you are normally caffeine-dependent. You may think it makes you seem more energetic, but it will actually make you more and more nervous.

8-Arrive early:

Show up for your presentation earlier than anyone in the audience. You’ll feel much more in control as the room fills up after you arrive, rather than showing up to a full house. Arriving early will also calm your nerves. And it will make you feel less rushed and more peaceful.

9-Don’t tell people you’re nervous:

Don’t show up on stage and tell them about being nervous. Everyone will assume you’re confident just because you’re already up there. It will make you feel better, but the audience will lose faith in you instead of paying attention.

10-Visualize the result:

Call it what you want: reflection, visualization, meditation. Whatever you call it, just do it. Spend time imagining yourself giving a perfect presentation and speaking in front of an audience with humor, warmth, confidence, and intelligence.
The more you imagine being great, the more likely you are to achieve it.

11-Focus on getting through the first 5 minutes :

Imagine your entire presentation is only five minutes long. This makes it less stressful. Focus on getting through the first five minutes and by then you’ll have settled down, and the rest will go downhill.


The body contracts and tenses when it is nervous. Before you face people, take 15 minutes to stretch and move your body. This will help you relax emotionally.

13-Record yourself:

Record your video while giving your presentation. Present and record until you can watch the recording and think, “Nice, that’s a great presentation!” If you aren’t happy with how you look in the recorded video, you won’t be happy with how you personally look. Keep doing this until you get it right. When you’re on stage, just think about how great you looked in the video and tell yourself you can do even better.

14-Fake Confidence:

Even if your arms feel like putty and your heart is racing, just act like the coolest person in the world. Walk with your head held high and a big smile on your face and don’t tell anyone how nervous you are.
Hold that posture when you step on stage and you’ll start to feel confident. For example, look straight ahead instead of down, don’t slouch.

Related:20 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Be More Confident

Related:Low Self-Esteem Causes, Signs, & 10 Ways to Cope

15-Expose yourself to speaking situations:

Often To better manage stage fright, put yourself in situations where you need to practice this skill. Commit to speaking more in group meetings, or lead presentations.


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