10 Powerful Time management skills

time management

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What is Time management ?

Time management is the ability to manage one’s time in a way that allows one to achieve one’s goals and objectives, to use your time as well as possible, and to have enough time for the things that matter most to you.

Time management is all about prioritizing and planning to make the most of our time.It’s about being intentional and making choices about how we use our time. In this way, time management is about managing our lives, our priorities, and our schedules.

Time management is a set of techniques and habits that help us make the most of the time we have. It’s about maximizing the value we create in the time we have, whatever that might be. It’s about making the most of our time so that we can achieve the things we want in life and the goals we’ve set for ourselves.
By following a few simple time management techniques, you can ensure that you’re make the most of your day, without feeling like you constantly struggle to keep up.

10 Time management skills:

Here are a some time management skills:

1- Priorities:

Before you start the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention.Unimportant activities can consume a lot of precious time and we tend to put too much energy into them because they are easier or less stressful.However, figuring out urgent tasks that want to be accomplished that day is essential on your productivity. Once you know where to put your energy, you will start doing things in an order that works for you and your schedule.
Focus on one task at a time: It’s a common belief that multitasking is the most efficient use of time. But it turns out that tackling multiple things at once can waste more time.True efficiency means focusing on one thing at a time and doing it earlier than transferring directly to the following activity.

2-Organization :

Staying organized can help you have a clear idea of ​​what you need to get done and when. Being well organized can mean keeping a calendar up to date, being able to find specific documents easily, having a tidy environment, and taking careful and conscientious notes.

Related:How to Be More Organized at Work ? « 15 Tips »

3- Planning (Schedule):

A key part of time management is planning.Effectively making plans your day, your meetings, and your manner of doing matters will assist you keep on with your schedule. for example :Bring an agenda or notebook and make a list of all the tasks that come to mind.Being able to test activities as you complete them gives you a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated.Before the day starts, make a simple to do list, prioritize activities, and pay attention to the most important topics.Make sure these activities are also doable.If there’s an important task you need to do, make it the only one on your list. To better manage your time management skills, you can create three lists: Work, Home, and Personal.

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Related:How To Plan Your Day ?


One of the most enjoyable time management tips for work: Make breaks a part of your schedule. When you’ve completed a task, take time to breathe. Take short breaks to recharge,whether that be a short walk,a cup of the, some meditation, etc.

5-Set Deadlines:

When you have a mission to accomplish, set yourself a practical deadline and keep going.Once you’ve set a deadline, it can be helpful to write it down on a sticky note and post it near your place of work.visual cue to maintain you on task.Try placing a cut-off date some days earlier than the task’s due date so you can entire any tasks that can be to your way.

6-Overcome Procrastination:

Procrastination is one of those things that negatively impacts productivity.This can bring about a extensive waste of time and energy.This could be a massive trouble each in your career and on your private life.Avoiding procrastination may be hard for many.We generally tend to hesitate when we are bored or overwhelmed.Try planning smaller, more fun activities throughout the day to break up the more difficult and hard tasks.and that can help you stay on track.

Related:12 Tips To Avoid Procrastination

7-Use the 20 minute rule:

Do you understand when you are “in the zone”? You are unstoppable. What if you could enter the zone at any time?The 20 Minute Boost Block is one of the best time management competencies we will do.Prepare your mind, let it know that you are going to focus on something important.Get ready for your activities and set an alarm for 20 minutes.Until the alarm goes off, give this task all you have without distractions.When the alarm sounds, decide whether to cancel or end the activity. Take a short break and then return to this task.Repeat the technique till the task is complete.Working on your tasks in those 20-minute chunks will help you get into the zone when needed, rather than expecting to fall in by accident.Over time, you will be able to enter this state of mind on your own without the aid of a timer.

8-Set short and long term goals ( SMART GOALS):

Setting goals on a regular basis can help you have a clear understanding of what you need to accomplish to achieve specific results.To achieve bigger long-term goals, identify smaller goals along the way.If you want to be promoted within six months, you may need to set smaller goals to improve certain skills.Your goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, applicable and timed.By being specific with your results and being clear about what they are and why you want them, you can have the laser-guided focus you need to achieve them.Not only that, you will feel an extra sense of pride doing this.

Related:How To Set Goals and Achieve Them ?

9- Learn to Say No:

A key part of mastering time management is the tendency to say “no” to topics that don’t help you achieve your goals.When you say “no” to a few factor that doesn’t add value in your life or assist your heart ,or your values ​​or goals. or just politely refuses to take on additional tasks when you feel you are already overworked. Values ​​or goals, or politely refuses to take on additional tasks when you feel you are already overworked. Take a examine your to-do listing earlier than agreeing to extra work. Say yes to something else, namely: time to spend with family, exercise, or get plenty of needed sleep . You may seem selfish, but the truth is that it’s one of the best ways to take care of yourself and your time.If you take care of it, you may discover that you have extra energy to focus at the important things. And that which the people around you will ultimately appreciate.

Related:Why Is Saying ‘No’ So Important?

10- Eliminate Distractions:

Think of minimizing distractions as another way to say no. What distracts you? E-mail? text messages? social media? Either way, say no. Eliminate distraction and the stress that comes with it. If necessary, block websites. Close the door to avoid interruptions.Close all tabs except the ones you are currently working on.Disable message notifications and save your personal calls ,news for lunch or for your time out.Put an ‘Out’, ‘Busy’ or ‘Do Not Disturb’ alert to your accounts.Your time is yours, so take manage of your workspace and your time so that you can get extra done. We often allow ourselves to lose focus and be cut off like a crutch when experiencing uncomfortable emotions like boredom, frustration, or disinterest.These are learned and addictive responses and we can learn to overcome them and change our own. Behavior by using effective time management skills rather than backtracking when a task becomes difficult.


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