13 Tips To Become likable Person Everyone Wants to Know

How to Become a Likable Person Everyone Wants to Know 1

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How to Become a Likable Person Everyone Wants to Know?

Being a popular, likable person that everyone wants to know is an important quality in life. It allows you to connect with others, build relationships, and gain friends. Being nice also comes with benefits. It makes you feel good, increases the likability of you, and makes you seem more intelligent.

Here are a few tips for how to be popular and get people to like you :


Smile / likable Person
Smile / likable Person

Smiling makes you appear more personable and attractive. They also make people feel more comfortable around you. When you meet new people or talk to other people, keep a smile on your face for as long as possible.

2-Respect everyone:

Respect everyone/ likable Person
Respect everyone/ likable Person

As long as they respect you. If you need to know how to be kind and loved by others, you need to treat everyone around you with respect. Don’t favor a bunch of people, be nice to them, and don’t criticize others. Unless you’re a nice person, it’s easy for people to notice your act.

3-Listen and remember the details:

Listen and remember the details/ likable Person
Listen and remember the details/ likable Person

If you listen, you can remember the details. Be careful when talking to other people. Being the person who makes someone feel like they are being listened to will make you stand out in the best possible way and make them look up to you and respect you.

4-Don’t be sharp, rude:

Don’t be sharp , rude/ likable Person
Don’t be sharp , rude/ likable Person

Avoid being rude or snappy in your replies and responses. Don’t hurt people just because you can. Many people enjoy making another person feel weak or humiliated. Don’t be that person. Don’t be sharp.

5-Make Eye Contact:

Make Eye Contact/ likable Person
Make Eye Contact/ likable Person

Eye contact makes you appear confident and happy. When you talk to people, look them in the eye and try to hold their gaze. You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference this simple thing makes!

6-Use a person’s name:

Use a person's name/ likable Person
Use a person’s name/ likable Person

Say people’s names so that they know you remember them. When you first meet someone, or when you see a friend or acquaintance you don’t know very well, greet them by name to show they left an impression on you. It will make them feel good, which in turn will make you look good too.

7-Be Positive:

Be Positive/ likable Person
Be Positive/ likable Person

People love being around other people who can find a silver lining. Unfortunately, complaining tends to drive people away from you, it can cast you in a negative light. Try to see the bright side of things and keep your head high. You will be happier and more people will want to be around you. If you focus on the good stuff, even if it’s very small and very hard to find, you become a lot more attractive as a likable and unique friend.
And a positive impact on a person’s life will also make him happier.

8-Leave your comfort zone:

Leave your comfort-zone/ likable Person
Leave your comfort-zone/ likable Person

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. If you’re constantly open to doing new things or new experiences, people will be eager to be around you. Your fun-loving attitude and willingness to make yourself try new things every time and build your lifestyle make you a likable person.

Related: How to leave your comfort zone ?

9-Make them comfortable:

Make them comfortable/ likable Person
Make them comfortable/ likable Person

People won’t open up to you if they don’t feel comfortable. To make them feel comfortable, make yourself comfortable and give them reasons to trust you. First, relax and adopt open body language. Build trust by offering value and matching your words with actions.

10-Stop judging:

Stop judging/ likable Person
Stop judging/ likable Person

Too often we judge people, including ourselves, and focus on the negative. What you focus on grows. Every person has positive and negative characteristics. There are already enough people pointing out what is wrong. Figure out what you like about them and focus on that. Be the one who shows the positive side of people. If you show people how good they are, they will develop it even more.

11-Be grateful:

Be grateful/ likable Person
Be grateful/ likable Person

Be thankful for the little things to love your life a little more. When you love your life, you show the people around you that you are happy and confident, which will attract them. Try to keep a gratitude journal in which you write down 2 or more things you’re thankful for every day.

12-Be humble:

Be humble/ likable Person
Be a humble/ likable Person

Your achievements may be truly amazing, but leading with them is not the way to win favors. It is better to show your generosity by helping someone in need than to tell others how generous you are. Always, actions speak louder than words.

13-Good Communicate:

Good Communicate/ likable Person
Good Communicate/ likable Person

Have interesting conversations with others without getting private or intrusive. Don’t just talk about what you want to talk about or what you know. Be willing to listen and engage in conversations that others around you can relate to.

Related:How to Speak Well in 15 Easy Steps ?


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