Do you ever feel like your parents are trying to control your life, using guilt or pressure to get their way? This is called manipulative parenting, and it’s more common than you might think. Research shows that when parents use too much psychological control, it can seriously affect a child’s mental health. In fact, a study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry found that kids who experience this are more likely to struggle with anxiety and depression.
If you’ve ever felt like your parents make you doubt yourself, feel guilty, or force their decisions on you, you’re not alone. Many people grow up with this type of parenting, and it can affect confidence and independence later in life. That’s why it’s important to recognize the signs of manipulative parents. In this article, we’ll break down 21 clear signs to help you understand these behaviors and learn how to set healthy boundaries.
What Is Parental Manipulation?
Manipulative parenting is a toxic behavior that can disrupt family relationships and deeply impact a child’s emotional and mental health. It involves parents using control and psychological tactics to influence their child’s thoughts, feelings, or actions to serve their own needs or desires.
This parenting style often includes subtle or obvious strategies like guilt trips, emotional pressure, or creating a sense of dependency. Over time, it can harm a child’s self-esteem, emotional well-being, and ability to build healthy relationships. Recognizing these behaviors is key to understanding and addressing their lasting effects.
Related: 18 Signs of Manipulative People You Shouldn’t Ignore
What are the Signs of Manipulative Parents?
1-Weaponizing Weaknesses:
Some parents use a sneaky trick to stay in control—they turn your fears, insecurities, or struggles against you. Instead of helping you grow, they bring up your flaws to make you feel weak, guilty, or dependent on them.
For example, if you have a fear of failure, they might keep reminding you of past mistakes, saying things like, “See? You always mess up.” If you struggle with confidence, they might say, “You wouldn’t survive without me.” This kind of talk makes you doubt yourself and feel stuck.
Over time, this can lower your self-esteem and make you afraid to take risks or make decisions on your own. But here’s the truth: a loving parent supports you, not controls you. If someone is using your weaknesses as a weapon, it’s not okay. Recognizing this is the first step to standing up for yourself and setting healthy boundaries.
Related: 17 Powerful Ways To Standing Up For Yourself
2-Love-Bombing & Withdrawing:
Some manipulative parents play a confusing game—they shower you with love and attention when they want something, but the moment you don’t do what they expect, they pull away and act cold. This is called love-bombing and withdrawing, and it’s a way to control your feelings and actions.
For example, when they need your help or want you to agree with them, they might be extra sweet, saying things like, “You’re my favorite! I love you so much!” But as soon as you say no or make your own decision, they suddenly ignore you, act distant, or even guilt-trip you by saying, “After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you treat me?”
This back-and-forth can be really confusing. It makes you crave their approval and feel guilty when they pull away. But love shouldn’t be a tool for control. Real love is consistent, not given and taken away based on what you do for someone.

3-Control Issues:
Manipulative parents often have serious control issues—they want to decide everything for you, from what you wear to who you date and even what career you choose. Instead of letting you make your own decisions, they act like they always know what’s best and expect you to follow their rules without question.
They might say things like:
- “You’re not smart_enough to make that choice.”
- “I know what’s best for you_so just listen to me.”
- “If you really loved me_you’d do what I say.”
This kind of control can make you feel trapped, like you have no say in your own life. Over time, it can lower your confidence and make you afraid to make decisions on your own.
Related: signs of a controlling relationship
4-Creating Sibling Rivalry:
Another common signs of Manipulative parents is pit siblings against each other by favoring one child over another. This isn’t just unfair—it’s a way to create competition, tension, and division within the family. Instead of building a loving bond between siblings, they stir up jealousy and resentment to keep control.
They might:
- Compare you to your sibling – “Why can’t you be more like your brother?”
- Give special treatment – One child gets more praise, gifts, or freedom while the other is ignored or criticized.
- Blame one sibling – Making one child the “golden child” and the other the “black sheep.”
This kind of parenting can make you feel like you’re never good enough, always trying to win their approval. It also damages sibling relationships that should be built on love and support, not competition.
5-Constant Gaslighting:
Gaslighting is one of the most damaging tricks manipulative parents use. It’s a psychological game where they deny things they said or did, making you question your own memory, feelings, and even sanity. Over time, this can make you feel confused, guilty, and unsure of what’s real.
Here’s how gaslighting might look:
- Denying past actions – “I never said that! You’re making things up.”
- Blaming you – “You’re too sensitive. That never happened.”
- Twisting the truth – “You’re remembering it wrong. I was only trying to help.”
This constant manipulation makes it hard to trust yourself. You might start second-guessing your feelings, wondering if you’re overreacting, or even apologizing for things that weren’t your fault.
Your feelings are valid, and your memories matter. If someone constantly makes you doubt your own reality, it’s a sign of manipulation, not a mistake on your part.
6-Manipulative Communication:
Manipulative parents don’t always yell or demand things directly. Instead, they use sneaky communication tactics like passive-aggressive comments, sarcasm, or guilt trips to get their way—without actually saying what they mean. This can leave you feeling guilty, confused, or pressured into doing things you don’t want to do.
Here’s how it might sound:
- Passive-aggressive remarks – “Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ll just suffer in silence like always.”
- Sarcasm disguised as jokes – “Wow, great decision. Let’s see how that works out for you.”
- Guilt trips – “After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you treat me?”
This kind of manipulation makes it hard to stand your ground because the words may seem harmless on the surface, but they’re designed to make you feel bad and do what they want.
7-Public Shaming:
Manipulative parents sometimes humiliate their children in front of others to keep control. Instead of correcting you privately, they call you out, mock you, or share your personal struggles in public, making you feel small and powerless. This can happen in front of family, friends, teachers, or even strangers.
Here’s how public shaming might look:
- Criticizing you in front of others – “Why can’t you be as smart as your cousin?”
- Mocking your mistakes – “Remember when you failed that test? So embarrassing!”
- Revealing private things – “Guess what? My child still sleeps with a nightlight!”
This tactic makes you feel ashamed, anxious, and afraid to express yourself. It can also make you hyper-aware of their opinions, constantly trying to avoid embarrassment rather than growing with confidence.
8-Sabotaging Your Growth:
Another common signs of manipulative parents is actively discourage your growth—whether it’s independence, relationships, or opportunities that might take you away from them. They often do this out of fear or a desire to keep you dependent on them. Instead of supporting your personal development, they try to limit your potential and keep you from making choices that would help you grow.
Here’s how this might look:
- Discouraging independence – “You’re not ready to live on your own. You’ll fail without me.”
- Interfering with relationships – “Why do you want to spend time with your friends? You should be with me.”
- Blocking career or educational opportunities – “That job is too far away. You should stay here where I can look after you.”
This kind of behavior keeps you stuck in a cycle of dependence, making it hard to pursue your dreams or create your own path. Over time, it can damage your confidence and make you feel guilty for wanting to grow or explore life outside of their control.
9-Backhanded Compliments:
Manipulative parents often use backhanded compliments—comments that sound like praise but are actually designed to put you down or make you feel inferior. These remarks can leave you feeling confused because, on the surface, they seem positive, but underneath, they carry a hidden jab.
Here’s an example:
- “You’re finally doing something right for once.”
- “Wow, you look good today… for a change.”
- “I’m surprised you actually managed to do that on your own.”
These “compliments” are a way of making you feel like you’re never quite good enough. They imply that your past efforts weren’t impressive or that you’re not living up to expectations.
10-“I Know You Better Than You Know Yourself”:
A common tactic used by manipulative parents is the phrase, “I know you better than you know yourself.” This statement is meant to dismiss your feelings, thoughts, or choices as if they have a better understanding of who you are than you do. It’s a way to invalidate your experiences and make you question your own judgment.
Here’s how it might look:
- “I know you think you want that job, but you’re not cut out for it.”
- “You don’t really want to go out with your friends. Trust me, I know you better.”
- “You think you’re ready for a relationship, but you’re not.”
By saying things like this, they undermine your confidence and make you feel like you can’t trust your own thoughts or decisions. This can lead to self-doubt and make it harder for you to make choices that feel right for you.
11-Competing with You:
Manipulative parents may compete with you instead of supporting your achievements. Instead of celebrating your wins, they act jealous or try to downplay your success, making you feel like your accomplishments are a threat to them.
Here’s how this might look:
- “Oh, you got that promotion? Well, I’ve been doing that job for years, so it’s no big deal.”
- “I could’ve done that too, if I had the time.”
- “You think that’s impressive? I did something way better when I was your age.”
Instead of feeling proud of you, they try to turn your success into a competition. This behavior is damaging because it makes you feel like you’re never good enough or that you have to prove yourself constantly.
12-Forcing You Into Their Unfinished Dreams:
Some manipulative parents push their children to fulfill their own abandoned dreams, expecting you to achieve what they couldn’t. Instead of supporting your individual goals, they try to shape your life around their own unfulfilled ambitions, creating pressure to live up to their expectations.
Here’s how this might look:
- “I always wanted to be a doctor, so you better get into medical school.”
- “You’ll be the one to run the family business, just like I dreamed of.”
- “I never had the chance to travel, so you should go to all these places for me.”
This kind of behavior can leave you feeling stuck, like your dreams don’t matter, and your choices are secondary to their desires.
13-Guilt-Tripping Over Aging:
A manipulative tactic some parents use is guilt-tripping you over their aging. They may play on your emotions by saying things like, “One day, I won’t be here, and you’ll regret this,” to make you feel guilty or pressured into doing what they want. The idea is to make you feel responsible for their happiness or well-being just because they’re getting older.
Here’s how this might look:
“I’m getting too old for this, and you’re not even helping me.”
“One day, I’ll be gone, and you’ll wish you spent more time with me.”
“You don’t want to regret not doing this for me when I’m no longer around.”
This kind of guilt-tripping can create unnecessary pressure, making you feel like you owe them everything because they’re aging. It can make you question your choices and feel responsible for their happiness.
14-Fake Apologies with a Catch:
A manipulative parent might offer you a “fake apology” That isn’t really an apology at all. They may say something like, “I’m sorry, but…” followed by an excuse, a reason, or, worse, a way to turn the blame back onto you. This kind of apology is meant to make it seem like they’re taking responsibility, but instead, they’re still trying to control the situation and make you feel like you’re at fault.
Here’s how this might sound:
- “I’m sorry, but you know I get upset when you don’t listen to me.”
- “I’m sorry, but you didn’t understand what I meant.”
- “I’m sorry, but if you hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have reacted this way.”
Instead of genuinely taking responsibility for their actions, they use the apology to shift the blame back to you. This leaves you feeling like you’re the one at fault, even though you’re not.
Related: Manipulative Apology Examples: Spot Fake Apologies Easily

15-Playing the Victim:
Manipulative parents may play the victim to get sympathy and manipulate you into feeling guilty for things that aren’t your fault. By acting like they’re the ones who’ve been wronged, they deflect responsibility for their own actions and make you feel bad for not catering to their needs.
Here’s how this might look:
- “I’ve done everything for you, and this is how you repay me?”
- “Nobody cares about me; I’m always the one giving and never getting anything in return.”
- “I’m the one who’s suffering, but you don’t even notice.”
Instead of owning up to their behavior, they make you feel like you’re the one who’s been neglectful or ungrateful. This tactic often shifts the focus away from their own wrongdoings and makes you feel like you owe them something.
Related: Victim Mentality: Signs, Causes, and 12 Strategies
16-Financial Manipulation:
Financial Manipulation is one of the key signs of manipulative parents might keep you financially dependent on them or make you feel guilty whenever you spend money on yourself, even if you’ve earned it. By controlling the flow of money, they can maintain power over your choices, making you feel like you owe them or are obligated to please them.
Here’s how this might look:
- “I’ve paid for everything for you, so you owe me.”
- “You’re wasting your money on things that don’t matter. You should be saving it for me.”
- “You really shouldn’t buy that. You know I could use that money more than you.”
This kind of financial manipulation is a clear example of the signs of manipulative parents, and it can make you feel guilty about spending on your own needs or force you to stay dependent on them for fear of losing financial support. It’s a way to make you feel like you can’t make decisions on your own, especially when it comes to money.
Related: 10 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances
Related: Monthly Budget Planner
17-Controlling How You Raise Your Own Kids:
If you have children, one common sign of manipulative parents is when they micromanage your parenting, even though you’re an adult with kids of your own. Instead of respecting your choices, they try to control how you raise your children—everything from discipline to the activities you choose for them. This can undermine your authority as a parent and make you feel incapable of making your own decisions.
Here’s how this might look:
- “You shouldn’t be so strict with them. I always let you do whatever you wanted.”
- “Why don’t you just let them eat whatever they want? I never cared about that_stuff.”
- “You’re doing it all wrong; I know what’s best for them.”
This kind of behavior not only creates tension between you and your parents, but it also makes you question your parenting decisions, causing unnecessary doubt. It can make you feel like you’re not good enough or capable of raising your own children, even though you know what’s best for them.
18-Turning Your Needs Into Their Problems:
One sign of manipulative parents is when they turn your needs or struggles into their own problems. Instead of listening and offering support, they twist the conversation to focus on their own issues, making you feel like you’re the one causing the problem. This tactic can leave you feeling invalidated and guilty for sharing your own struggles.
Here’s how this might look:
- “I can’t believe you’re stressed about work when I’ve been dealing with so much more.”
- “You think you have problems? Let me tell you about mine, they’re way worse.”
- “I’ve had such a hard time, and now you’re making me worry about you too.”
Instead of getting the empathy or support you need, you end up comforting them or listening to their complaints. This makes it harder to feel heard or understood, as your own issues are downplayed or overshadowed.
19-Masking Criticism with “Worry”:
A manipulative parent often disguises criticism as concern, making it seem like they’re just looking out for you when, in reality, they’re attacking your choices or abilities. They’ll say things like, “I’m just worried about you,” or “I’m just concerned for your future,” when what they’re really doing is putting you down or undermining your confidence.
Here’s how this might look:
- “I’m just worried you’ll never make it on your own.”
- “I don’t want you to be disappointed, but I don’t think you’re capable of that.”
- “I’m just looking out for you, but that’s a terrible idea.”
These statements can make you feel like you’re being selfish or reckless for following your own path, even though you’re just trying to live your life. The concern they express is often more about them needing control or validation, rather than true care for your well-being.
20-Bringing Up Family Secrets or Scandals:
Manipulative parents may bring up family secrets or scandals as a way to manipulate your emotions and gain control. They use private, often painful, information to create a sense of guilt or obligation, making you feel like you owe them something because of past events. By revisiting these sensitive topics, they try to make you feel exposed, vulnerable, or indebted to them.
Here’s how this might look:
- “You wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t caused that trouble years ago.”
- “I did all this for you, even after what happened with your (someone). I’ve never asked for anything in return.”
- “Remember when we all kept that secret? You owe me for helping you keep that quiet.”
When they bring up family secrets or scandals, they try to make you feel like your past mistakes or family drama should dictate how you act now. It can make you feel trapped, unable to make decisions without considering their emotional leverage.
Related: Signs of a Manipulative Friend: 20 Red Flags to Spot
21-Making You Question Your Boundaries:
When you try to set boundaries with a manipulative parent, they may push back and try to make you feel guilty for doing so. Instead of respecting your limits, they may make you feel like you’re being selfish, unreasonable, or even disrespectful. The goal is to make you question whether your boundaries are justified, often leaving you feeling torn between standing up for yourself and giving in to their demands.
Here’s how this might look:
- “You’re being overdramatic, it’s not like I’m asking for much.”
- “I raised you, and now you’re turning your back on me?”
- “I never had boundaries with my parents, and look how I turned out. You’re just being difficult.”
When a parent reacts this way, they’re trying to manipulate your sense of responsibility, making you feel like you’re doing something wrong by asserting your needs. This creates confusion and self-doubt, causing you to feel bad for putting your own needs first.
Related: 7 Tips for Saying No Effectively
Related: How to Deal With Manipulative People
Dealing with manipulative parents can be emotionally exhausting, but recognizing the signs is the first step toward protecting yourself. If any of these red flags feel familiar, know that you’re not alone. Many people struggle with toxic family dynamics, and it’s okay to seek help.
Setting healthy boundaries isn’t easy, especially when guilt and manipulation are involved. But boundaries are essential for your well-being. If you find it difficult to navigate this on your own, consider talking to a therapist, counselor, or a trusted friend who can support you.
At the end of the day, love should never feel like a trap. Respect, kindness, and emotional safety are things everyone deserves—including you. No matter what anyone says, your feelings are valid, and your needs matter. Stay strong, trust yourself, and don’t be afraid to put your well-being first.
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