Creativity is a fundamental human need. When it’s ignored or discouraged, individuals suffer, and society suffers too. I believe that creative thinking should not only be encouraged, but embraced. Creative individuals are those who are constantly seeking to learn and grow.
Creative and creative-thinking is an important life skill which can be cultivated in any setting and even in the absence of formal art education. It helps people problem-solve, detect patterns, and be innovative.
10 Habits of Highly Creative People:
Creative people know, despite what their parents and teachers have told them, that daydreaming is anything but a waste of time.A review of the latest science of daydreaming has shown That mind wandering gives very personal rewards, including creative incubation, self-awareness,
planning for the future, reflecting on the meaning of one’s experiences, and even compassion. So the next time you’re working hard on a creative project or task that requires intense focus and creative skills, try taking a five-minute daydreaming break every hour. Try engaging in a simple activity that allows your mind to wander, such as walking, doodling, or cleaning, and see how it affects your ideas and thinking.
2-Energetic and Focused:
Creative people generally tend to have a lot of energy, both physically and mentally. They can spend hours working on a single task that catches their attention but seem to remain enthusiastic the whole time. Having a creative mind doesn’t mean always engaging in a focused creative or artistic endeavor. Creative and artistic people are imaginative, curious, and spend a lot of time quietly pondering topics that interest them and letting their minds wander.
Related:How To Stay Focused ?
3-They ask the big questions:
Creative people are insatiably curious; they generally prefer to stay the examined life, and even as they get older, keep a feel of curiosity about life. Whether through intense conversation or solitary mind-wandering, creatives look at the world around them and want to understand why, and how, it is the way it is.
Related:9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself
4-Proud and Humble:
Highly creative people tend to be proud of their achievements and achievements, but also aware of their place. They may have a great deal of respect for others working in their field and for the impact these earlier innovations have had on their work. They can see that their work is often notable and remarkable in comparison to others, but they don’t focus on it.
5-Exercise often:
There is a lot of evidence pointing to the benefits of exercise for creativity. Feeling good physically, makes you in the right frame of mind to focus and be productive. Exercising also forces you to have disconnected time (it’s difficult to text or email while exercising), and this allows you to think about what you’re doing and what you’re working on. “In a Stanford study, 90% of people were more creative after exercised”
6-Passionate and objective:
Creative people not only enjoy their work, they are passionate about what they do. However, just being passionate about something doesn’t necessarily lead to great work everytime. Creative people can enjoy their work and question it critically.
Related:How To Find Your Passion ? ” 11 Tips”
7-Open to new experiences:
Creative people tend to learn continuously. They are looking for new experiences and new perspectives on their world. In fact, the urge to discover can be one of the most constant personality traits of highly creative people. The creative learning process focuses on a deep conceptual understanding in certain areas.It’s one of those things that separates an expert from an amateur, but deep learning obviously exposes the person to more knowledge that can leave them open to more creative possibilities or connections.
8-Thinking differently:
Creative people share a reluctance to stick to conventional ways of thinking and acting. By deciding to do things differently, they accept the possibility of uncertainty and failure, but it is precisely this risk that opens up the possibility of real innovation. The secret of creative greatness appears to be doing things differently, even if it means failure. Trial and error is essential for innovations, especially during idea-generation phases.
9-They take time to be alone:
People who lead creative lives feel super comfortable, especially in solitude. Being alone means having the time and mental space to reflect on yourself, your experiences, and your ideas, all of which are necessary for the creative process. It also means that creative people are often quite independent.
Related:10 Things That Happen When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone
10-Turn Adversity into Advantage:
Experiences of loss, struggle, suffering, and defeat can be powerful catalysts for personal growth, creativity, and profound transformation. Often we learn compassion through suffering, understanding through loss, and overcoming struggles that we come to discover our own strength and beauty. Adverse events can force us to reconsider our beliefs and life projects, and therein lies their power and creative potential.