12 Tips To Overcome Procrastination and Boost Productivity

How to Stop and avoid procrastination

Table of Contents

What Is Procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of putting off something that needs to be done for a long time. The act of procrastination is usually motivated by a stronger desire to avoid pain and discomfort than achieve a goal.

Procrastinators often lie to themselves or find reasons to procrastinate by convincing themselves that they have plenty of time to complete the task and that they will feel more motivated the next day or work better under time pressure. They tend to underestimate the time it takes to complete a task, believing that they can only work when they are in the mood.

Some researchers define procrastination as a “form of self-regulatory failure characterized by an irrational delay in tasks despite potentially negative consequences.

And one of the biggest factors that contribute to procrastination is the idea that we need to feel inspired or motivated to work on a task at any given time.

12 Tips to Avoid Procrastination :

1-Write a to-do list to set goals:

Write down all the tasks you need to get done. The list should include both short-term tasks that you need to complete on a daily and weekly basis, and long-term goals that may take months or even years to achieve. Seeing it in writing will help you plan out the various actions needed to achieve all of your goals.

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2-Set Small Goals:

Often the thought of accomplishing a large task can seem overwhelming. Getting from start to finish can seem like an impossible task. However, it can be helpful to break these tasks into much smaller steps. A list of small, achievable tasks can help you tackle each one of them, meaning you’ll gradually approach completion. Understanding the basics of project management can help you set those small goals.

Related: How To Set Goals and Achieve Them?

3-Schedule time blocks:

If you know some tasks are due and you’re busy, get out of your calendar and schedule some time blocks. This gives you a set time to work and helps you overcome procrastination.

4-Focus Your Attention:

Another way to overcome procrastination is to focus on some of the easier tasks you need to get done. By setting small goals and organizing your tasks, you’ll be able to identify the ones that are easy to get done. This will start to build your confidence and gain some momentum. Giving yourself a one-pointed focus can help you tackle one small task at a time.

5-Prioritize :

Prioritizing your work and tasks is another way to avoid procrastination. About every week, make a list of what needs to be done. Make sure you tackle the most critical or urgent tasks first. Take away the hard stuff first so everything that comes after seems more manageable. (Printable weekly planner in 4 color)

6-Set deadlines:

Another tip to avoid procrastination is to set deadlines. Many students get stuck in the “I’ll do it tomorrow or sometime” cycle when that day or sometimes doesn’t come. It’s important to set a specific date by which you want a project or task to be completed. Try to complete your projects and tasks a day or two in advance. That way you still have extra time to complete them if something unexpected happens.

7-Promise yourself that you’ll get a reward when you’re done:

You’re probably dreading the next few hours it will take you to complete this task. Just tell yourself when it’s over you can celebrate with one of your favorite things. Use that anticipation to overcome the pain.

8-Start your day with the hardest tasks:

Make a plan in the morning and choose the hardest task first. You will have more energy in the morning when you have breakfast and are fully awake. Tackle the hardest part of your schedule later You’ll feel better when you’re done, and then you can focus on lighter tasks for the rest of the day.

9-Take responsibility:

Making yourself responsible for completing your assignments on time, studying for exams, and getting good grades is another tip for avoiding procrastination. While it’s easy to find reasons not to study and take unnecessary or long breaks, recover before this happens.Remember that you are responsible for the assignments you complete or fail to complete, the exams you pass or fail, and your grades.

Related: 8 Tips on How to Take Responsibility for Your Life

10-Avoid multitasking to focus on one goal at a time:

Multitasking makes you feel like you’re accomplishing a lot, but it actually prevents you from getting things done quickly and effectively. Always focus on one goal and give it your all. This will also help you not to feel overwhelmed by your busy schedule.

Related: How To Stay Focused?

11-Choose a workspace that suits you :

Determine where you will be doing most of your work and make it the best environment for limited distraction. It’s especially important to have a  space for work that is different from the one you relax in.

12-Stop punishing yourself for  procrastination:

The more stressed you are, the harder it is to get work done. Don’t be mad at yourself. Go ahead and focus on what you need to do.

 ° Don’t let procrastination take over your life °




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